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Trauma Reboot | Fall 2024

November 25
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Bayside Folsom | Students Room

If trauma is our personal intersection with the brokenness of the world, recovery is our personal intersection with the redemptive heart of God. Trauma can reach anyone, anywhere, at any time. Time alone won’t heal it. Faith alone won’t fix it. Medicine alone won’t mend it. Too many have believed the lie that they are broken. Hopelessness has set in as they have accepted that this
“new normal” is as good as it is going to get. Maybe that’s where you are. But trauma didn’t break you. You aren’t broken. You’re
wounded. And wounds can heal if proper steps are taken. Join us as we build community over the next 12 weeks and unpack how our trauma can be redeemed, and our pain can be turned into power, so that you can live a life that is fulfilling and full of hope.

Event Venue

Bayside Folsom | Students Room

890 Glenn Drive Folsom, 95630.